Theme 3: Innovation and Financing Resilient Solutions for Water Security


Innovation and financing resilient solutions for water security are essential for addressing the diverse challenges of climate change and population growth while ensuring sustainable access to clean water. This involves harnessing non-conventional water resources like rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling to bolster water supply. Proper indices must be utilized to gauge the severity of climate change impacts on water availability and quality for informed decision-making. Across various sectors, deploying water-saving technologies is imperative to enhance efficiency. Additionally, leveraging artificial intelligence and big data analytics can aid in addressing water security issues through predictive modeling and real-time monitoring. Lastly, innovative financing mechanisms such as public-private partnerships, green bonds, and water pricing reforms are pivotal for mobilizing resources for water infrastructure development, ensuring long-term resilience and sustainability. Sub-themes under this topic can include:

  1. Non-conventional water resources
  2. Water-Saving Technologies in Different Sectors
  3. Role of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Identifying Water Security
  4. Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Water Infrastructure Development

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